October 2024

Dear Member,

Attached please find the October 2024 issue of the chapter newsletter-- The Sarasota Breeze -  and the reservation form for the October Luncheon to be held on October 18th at  Michaels on East.

The October Luncheon  speaker will be Jim Martin - a 25 year member of the Sarasota Radio Control Squadron (SRQ) - an organization with an amazing history and a flying site at Rohrbach Park.

YAHOO has a visit to the Military Heritage Museum in Punta Gorda scheduled for scheduled for Saturday September 28th. If you haven’t made your reservation yet —contact Ron Wozniak ASAP to see if he can get you on board for the Museum Tour.  

Details are on page 10 of the newsletter.
Make your reservation for the upcoming MOAS Oktoberfest/Picnic on October Sunday 20th (Page 10) and let the coordinators know what dish you would be bringing.

The October Meet and Greet event will be at Gecko’s on Hillview on October 9th at 5:30 pm.

Looking forward to seeing you at the October luncheon and the YAHOO/Meet & Greet events.

One last item -  A nominating committee chaired by Ron Wozniak has been formed to establish a slate of nominees for the 2025 MOAS Board of Directors.  This organization cannot function without an active Board — and we are asking you to step up — 

Please contact Ron at 941-779-5448 or ronwozniak13@gmail.com

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Breeze - and as always, please let me know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve it.

Thank you & Stay Safe

Len Friedlander


October 2024

Dear Member, Attached please find the October 2024 issue of the chapter newsletter--  The Sarasota Breeze -   and the reservation form for ...